Monday, November 13, 2006

London, May 2004

The White Tower, the main building in the Tower of London complex.

A bus, and Whitehall Palace, behind which Charles I was beheaded by Oliver Cromwell and his Protestant forces.

The actual City of London is only 1 square mile, and has one of these little dragon towers facing in each of the cardinal directions; if I remember correctly, they were intended to ward off evil.

Armor of Henry VIII; obviously from his earlier years, when he was still small enough to fit in a suit of armor.

Big Ben and the Parliament building, taken from the River Thames.

I'm not sure what camera these were taken with, actually. I borrowed my parents' camera for the trip, but it has since been dropped several times, and it's position in a trash heap somewhere or other makes it a bit hard for me to determine the model.

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